Conference Tracks

FED & Design Track

Access Shopify’s blueprints for building great online stores. Learn about developing Shopify Themes, embedding Buy Buttons, and how to use Liquid in innovative ways.

Day 1

  • New Theme Development Feature Release Workshop | Main Stage, 1:45pm

    A detailed session covering one of our new feature releases for Shopify Theme development.

  • New API Workshop | Main Stage, 2:30pm

    A technical walkthrough of one of our new API releases — details to be announced at Unite.

  • Best Practices for Building Shopify Themes | Main Stage, 3:30pm

    A deep dive into techniques to optimize your Shopify Theme development process.

  • Theme Accessibility and Performance | Main Stage, 4:15pm

    The why, what, and how of creating an accessible and optimized Shopify Theme.

Day 2

  • Exceptional Ecommerce Design | Main Stage, 11:15am

    Get inspiration about innovative, immersive, and exceptional ecommerce designs.

App Track

Your ticket to everything you’ll need to develop Shopify Apps — brand new APIs, workshops, and tips for making money in the Shopify App Store.

Day 1

  • New API Release Workshop | Cowell Theater, 1:45pm

    An in-depth look at one of our new APIs to be announced at Unite.

  • The Power of Webhooks | Cowell Theater, 2:30pm

    Master the usage of webhooks for your Shopify Apps with this technical tutorial.

  • Making Money from Your Shopify App | Cowell Theater, 3:30pm

    Best practices and techniques to earn more revenue from your Shopify Apps.

  • Post-Order Opportunities | Cowell Theater, 4:15pm

    Learn to enhance the post-order experience for customers and offer new insights to Shopify merchants.

Day 2

  • New API Workshop | Cowell Theater, 11:15am

    A technical walkthrough of new APIs to be announced at Unite.

Business Strategy Track

Gain insight into the many ways you can maximize your partnership with Shopify, from understanding Shopify merchants, to pitching Shopify Plus, to generating leads as a Shopify Expert.

Day 1

  • Understanding the Mind of a Shopify Merchant | Gallery 308, 1:45pm

    A discussion about merchant personas and behavior to help you build the best ecommerce experience possible for Shopify users.

  • The Future of Shopify Plus | Gallery 308, 2:30pm

    Insider access to our vision and roadmap for Shopify Plus, our enterprise-level plan.

  • Scaling with Shopify | Gallery 308, 3:30pm

    Reliability, uptime, and security are the backbone to any online business. Learn how Shopify has tackled these challenges and what it means for you.

  • How to Attract and Close Shopify Plus Clients | Gallery 308, 4:15pm

    Learn the process for working with high-volume merchants, as well as techniques for selling Shopify Plus.

Day 2

  • How to Succeed in the Shopify App Store | Main Stage, 12:00pm

    Best practices for ensuring your success in the Shopify App Store.